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Meesho PySpark Interview Questions for Data Engineers in 2025

Meesho PySpark Interview Questions for Data Engineers in 2025 Preparing for a PySpark interview? Let’s tackle some commonly asked questions, along with practical answers and insights to ace your next Data Engineering interview at Meesho or any top-tier tech company. 1. Explain how caching and persistence work in PySpark. When would you use cache() versus persist() and what are their performance implications? Answer : Caching : Stores data in memory (default) for faster retrieval. Use cache() when you need to reuse a DataFrame or RDD multiple times in a session without specifying storage levels. Example: python df.cache() df.count() # Triggers caching Persistence : Allows you to specify storage levels (e.g., memory, disk, or a combination). Use persist() when memory is limited, and you want a fallback to disk storage. Example: python from pyspark import StorageLevel df.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) df.count() # Triggers persistence Performance Implications : cache() is ...


SQL Questions Asked in an American Express Interview

How I Would Solve These Tricky SQL Questions Asked in American Express Interview

SQL is a fundamental skill for any data analyst, and mastering complex queries is key to standing out in interviews. Below, I break down how I would approach solving the tricky SQL questions mentioned. Each of these challenges is designed to test both your technical proficiency and your problem-solving ability. Let’s dive into the solutions.

1. Find the Second-Highest Salary in a Table Without Using LIMIT or TOP

This is a classic problem that requires creativity. My solution:


SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE salary < (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees);

Here, the subquery finds the maximum salary, and the outer query selects the highest salary below that.

2. Find All Employees Who Earn More Than Their Managers

Joining the table to itself is the key here:

SELECT e1.employee_name
FROM employees e1 JOIN employees e2 ON e1.manager_id = e2.employee_id WHERE e1.salary > e2.salary;

This query compares employees' salaries with their managers' salaries.

3. Find Duplicate Rows Without Using GROUP BY

Use a ROW_NUMBER() window function to isolate duplicates:

WITH cte AS (
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY column1, column2 ORDER BY id) AS row_num FROM table_name ) SELECT * FROM cte WHERE row_num > 1;

This identifies duplicates without relying on GROUP BY.

4. Find the Top 10% Earners in a Table


WITH percentiles AS (
SELECT PERCENTILE_CONT(0.9) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY salary) AS percentile_90 FROM employees ) SELECT * FROM employees, percentiles WHERE salary > percentile_90;

This query extracts the 90th percentile and selects employees earning above that threshold.

5. Find the Cumulative Sum of a Column

A window function simplifies this task:

SELECT employee_id,
salary, SUM(salary) OVER (ORDER BY employee_id) AS cumulative_sum FROM employees;

The SUM() function with OVER computes the cumulative sum across rows.

6. Find Employees Who Have Never Taken a Leave

A NOT IN query solves this effectively:

FROM employees WHERE employee_id NOT IN (SELECT employee_id FROM leaves);

This ensures only employees without leave records are selected.

7. Difference Between Current Row and Next Row

Using the LEAD() window function:

SELECT employee_id,
salary, salary - LEAD(salary) OVER (ORDER BY employee_id) AS diff FROM employees;

The LEAD() function retrieves the next row value for the comparison.

8. Find Departments With More Than One Employee

Classic aggregation with a HAVING clause:

SELECT department, COUNT(*) AS employee_count
FROM employees GROUP BY department HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

This identifies departments with multiple employees.

9. Maximum Value for Each Group Without Using GROUP BY


FROM ( SELECT *, MAX(column_name) OVER (PARTITION BY group_column) AS max_in_group FROM table_name ) subquery WHERE column_name = max_in_group;

This method avoids the need for explicit GROUP BY.

10. Employees Taking More Than 3 Leaves in a Month

Group the leave data and filter by HAVING:

SELECT employee_id, MONTH(leave_date) AS leave_month, COUNT(*) AS leave_count
FROM leaves GROUP BY employee_id, MONTH(leave_date) HAVING COUNT(*) > 3;

This query isolates employees with excessive leave.

Reflections and Key Takeaways

Each of these questions tests a specific SQL skill, from basic operations to advanced window functions and subqueries. Here’s how I prepared for such challenges:

  • Practice Daily: I honed my skills on platforms like HackerRank and LeetCode.
  • Master Window Functions: Functions like ROW_NUMBER(), LEAD(), and SUM() OVER are crucial for handling complex scenarios.
  • Understand Business Context: These questions often simulate real-world scenarios, so understanding the "why" behind the query is essential.

Pro Tip: In interviews, explain your thought process clearly. Employers value logical problem-solving as much as correct answers.

If you're preparing for SQL interviews, focus on efficiency, creativity, and understanding the intent behind queries. Master these skills, and you’ll be ready to ace your interview! 🚀

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Let me know if you want me to break down more such tricky interview questions. 😊
#SQL #InterviewExperience #AmericanExpress #DataAnalytics #CareerGrowth



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