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Meesho PySpark Interview Questions for Data Engineers in 2025

Meesho PySpark Interview Questions for Data Engineers in 2025 Preparing for a PySpark interview? Let’s tackle some commonly asked questions, along with practical answers and insights to ace your next Data Engineering interview at Meesho or any top-tier tech company. 1. Explain how caching and persistence work in PySpark. When would you use cache() versus persist() and what are their performance implications? Answer : Caching : Stores data in memory (default) for faster retrieval. Use cache() when you need to reuse a DataFrame or RDD multiple times in a session without specifying storage levels. Example: python df.cache() df.count() # Triggers caching Persistence : Allows you to specify storage levels (e.g., memory, disk, or a combination). Use persist() when memory is limited, and you want a fallback to disk storage. Example: python from pyspark import StorageLevel df.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) df.count() # Triggers persistence Performance Implications : cache() is ...


Meesho PySpark Interview Questions for Data Engineers in 2025

Meesho PySpark Interview Questions for Data Engineers in 2025

Preparing for a PySpark interview? Let’s tackle some commonly asked questions, along with practical answers and insights to ace your next Data Engineering interview at Meesho or any top-tier tech company.

1. Explain how caching and persistence work in PySpark. When would you use cache() versus persist() and what are their performance implications?


  • Caching: Stores data in memory (default) for faster retrieval.

    • Use cache() when you need to reuse a DataFrame or RDD multiple times in a session without specifying storage levels.
    • Example:
      df.count() # Triggers caching
  • Persistence: Allows you to specify storage levels (e.g., memory, disk, or a combination).

    • Use persist() when memory is limited, and you want a fallback to disk storage.
    • Example:
      from pyspark import StorageLevel
      df.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) df.count() # Triggers persistence

Performance Implications:

  • cache() is faster but risks failure with limited memory.
  • persist() is more flexible but may introduce disk I/O overhead if data doesn’t fit in memory.

2. Writing data to distributed storage like HDFS or Azure Data Lake

To optimize write operations:

  • For Small Files: Use coalesce() to reduce the number of output files.
  • For Large Files: Use repartition() to increase parallelism.

Key Optimization Tips:

  • Use efficient formats like Parquet or ORC.
  • Enable compression (e.g., Snappy).
  • Avoid writing too many small files by tuning partitions.

3. How does PySpark handle job execution, and what is the role of the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)?


  • DAG: Represents the sequence of transformations in a PySpark job. It breaks the computation into stages and tasks.
  • Stages and Tasks:
    • Stages are based on shuffle boundaries.
    • Tasks are the smallest units of execution and run on individual partitions.

Execution Flow:

  1. PySpark builds the DAG based on transformations.
  2. The DAG Scheduler divides it into stages.
  3. Tasks within a stage are executed in parallel.

For a simple transformation:

df ="data.csv")
df = df.filter(df["value"] > 10)
  • PySpark creates a DAG with read, filter, and show as nodes, breaking it into stages if shuffles are needed.

4. PySpark code to find the top N most frequent items in a dataset


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, count spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("TopN").getOrCreate() df ="data.csv", header=True) # Find top N items by frequency top_n = df.groupBy("item").agg(count("*").alias("count")) \ .orderBy(col("count").desc()) \ .limit(10)

Optimization Tips:

  • Use columnar storage formats like Parquet.
  • Ensure partitions are balanced.

5. How does partitioning affect performance, and how to determine optimal partitions?


  • Impact of Partitioning:

    • Too few partitions → Underutilized cluster resources.
    • Too many partitions → Overhead in task scheduling.
  • Determine Optimal Partitions:

    • Use the formula:
      partitions = 2-4 * number_of_cores_in_cluster
    • Monitor partition size: Aim for 128MB to 1GB per partition.
    • Example:
      df = df.repartition(10) # Adjust based on cluster size

6. Narrow vs. Wide Transformations


  • Narrow Transformations: Data resides in the same partition. No shuffle required.
    • Example: map(), filter().
  • Wide Transformations: Data is redistributed across partitions, requiring a shuffle.
    • Example: groupBy(), join().

Impact: Wide transformations are more expensive due to network and disk I/O during shuffles.

7. Monitoring and Debugging PySpark Performance Issues


  • Tools:

    • Spark UI: View stages, tasks, and shuffles.
    • Metrics: Task duration, shuffle size, and GC time.
    • Logs: Check executor logs for failures.
  • Steps:

    • Identify skewed partitions using the Spark UI.
    • Use .explain() to review the physical plan.
    • Optimize joins and shuffles by repartitioning or broadcasting.

8. Incremental Data Processing

Use watermarking and timestamp columns to process new or updated records.


from pyspark.sql.functions import col
# Load new data new_data ="new_data.csv") existing_data ="existing_data.csv") # Process only new records incremental_data = new_data.join(existing_data, "id", "left_anti") incremental_data.write.mode("append").save("output_path")

9. PySpark Join Operation for Large DataFrames

Choose the join strategy based on dataset size:

  • Broadcast Join: When one DataFrame is small.
    from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast
    result = df1.join(broadcast(df2), "key")
  • Shuffle Join: Default for large DataFrames.
    result = df1.join(df2, "key")

Optimization: Use broadcast() for smaller DataFrames to avoid shuffles.

10. Optimizing Real-Time Data Streams with Spark Streaming

Key considerations:

  1. Batch Interval: Choose a small interval for low latency.
    df.writeStream.trigger(processingTime='10 seconds').start()
  2. Stateful Processing: Use checkpoints to handle failures.
    stream = df.groupBy("key").count()
    stream.writeStream.option("checkpointLocation", "/path/to/checkpoint").start()
  3. Backpressure: Enable spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled to control data flow.


To excel in a PySpark interview, focus on understanding the fundamentals of distributed data processing, optimizing transformations, and handling real-world challenges like skewed data and incremental updates. Practice these concepts with hands-on examples to gain confidence.

Good luck with your Meesho interview! 🚀



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